I work by the method of radiesthesia (with the help of a pendulum), bioenergetic influences are made by means of extrasensory abilities with attraction of energy of the Highest Stars and cosmic Rays.
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Very clear and compassionate guidance. I now have a better understanding of my path forward.
🧿 Kosmoenerget. A runologist. An empath.
I have been successfully practicing for more than 17 years.
🧿View various questions and situations in completely different spheres of life.
Diagnostics of the state of energy centers. Scanning for the presence of negativity.
🧿 Cleansing from negativity, activation and harmonization of human energy centers. Installation of energy protection.
🧿 Author's rituals for improving different spheres of life and cleansing from negativity.
Current promotion for services
🧿Viewing any life situations $ 50 ✨Runic becoming for your purpose or Detailed Diagnostics of Your Energy $ 200🧿Detailed Forecast for the year - $ 150🔮The author's ritual of opening roads 400 $
Left: 2 days 16 hours 25 minutes
150 usd.
200 usd.
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The expert’s advice was incredibly helpful. I feel more confident in my decisions now.