l am a professional parapsychologist. , I will ansver all your questions and help you make the right choice in a certain situations. I will establish peace n the family. I will perform rituals for healing. I will cleanse your energy shell and restore balance.
Latest review
I’m amazed at how accurate the expert was. I left the consultation feeling empowered.  
Removal of other people's magical influences, spoilage, curses, correction of life events. Love magic. Views of life situations. Cleaning and setting up defenses. Amulets.
View relationships, situations
View relationships, situations by photo and date of birth
Left: 1 day 13 hours 34 minutes
Sale used by: 25
100 usd. 200 usd.
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The expert’s reading resonated deeply with me. I’m very grateful for the guidance.  
Tarot Master Regina. How do I know if I'm making the right decision? Is he being honest? What does the future hold for me? It can be overwhelming, but you are not alone. I use Tarot and Madame Lenormand cards to as a tool to communicate with the spiritual world and get answers to your any pressing question. Whether your questions concern matters of money, relationships, family matters, love compatibility, cheating and affairs, or your purpose in life, we'll get tae the bottom of it together.
Latest review
Regina makes a great job! All her predictions come true and and all the rituals work. She is very conscientious specialist, with whom I have been for 7 years. Highly recommend Regina! 💓🌺🍒  
Hard to choose an advisor?
We will pick up the best advisor for your case!
🔺💕 Rystam (Clairvoyance)
🌟 I'm reading information from a PHOTO. ❤️ Solving issues of a LOVING nature of ANY complexity: (To return a Relationship, Strengthen feelings, Protect) 🔥 Using the ability of the gift of CLAIRVOYANCE, viewing Any questions and situations. ​🍀​​​ Assistance in solving any problems and issues related to MONEY. 🆘 Removal of ANY Negative programs: SPOILAGE, Evil Eyes, Curses, Love spells. 💥 Installation of impenetrable energy protection on a Person. 🌟 Development and Disclosure of PSYCHIC abilities.
❣️ Viewing Your questions is Clairvoyance!
To receive a response, you send your photos, names, dates of birth. Three of your questions — Get detailed answers
Left: 2 days 22 hours 20 minutes
100 usd. 500 usd.
Latest review
He has been very honest with me and saw that everything will be alright with my relationship. I will appreciate my time and commitment with the man I love.  
Welcome, I am an experienced, polite expert 🌟 I help resolve situations with TAROT cards, also I conduct rituals of ❤️‍🔥LOVE MAGIC❤️‍🔥, 💰MONEY MAGIC💰 and for getting rid of magical effects 💖 I'm here everyday ✅
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🎓Nikole (magic, tarot teacher )🎓
Magical help, forecast for the future, analysis of the situation and tips for making a decision. I have all the necessary knowledge, I have a unique effective technique for getting what you want. I practice only an individual approach, I care about each of you, and I work for results.
Practice both white and black magic. ♦ Clairvoyance. ♦ Tarot readings. ♦ Guidance in various magical situations. ♦ Love and money magic. ♦ Protection spells, curse and evil eye removal, and more.
Welcome! My name is Daria. I work with cards I use different Tarot decks, Oracles and Lenormand cards, I connect my vision ⭐️ Write questions, situations, I will try to help🌞
Latest review
I felt understood and supported throughout the entire session. Wonderful experience!  
Received magical abilities from my ancestors. I can help you!
I am a hereditary clairvoyant and a magician. I read Tarot cards and runes, help to understand difficult situations and get out of crisis. I help to restore well-being and health through bioenergetics.
Latest review
Thank you for a wonderful consultation! I feel much more positive about my future.  
Grand Master of the Order of Moon Darkness over The Bald Mountain. I specialize in the next kind of an active magical influence: the influence removing , the protection from magic, program behavior. Love spell. Magic training.
Latest review
This was a very eye-opening consultation. The expert was accurate and supportive.  
Spiritual guidance, transformation, healing. Empath. - I do not offer free readings. However, sometimes I could answer questions as per my choice in the Questions Section of the site. - If you decide to have a reading with me please make a payment and write to me. Respect me as a Reader as this is my full time job.
Latest review
Wonderful guidance! The expert really helped me gain perspective on my situation.  
Detailed diagnosis and analysis of your situation using a Tarot reading. Viewing the direction of development of the situation and prospects. Recommendations, coaching. Forecasts for up to a year. In my work I adhere to the principle of honesty: I work with those who are ready to hear the truth. In personal consultations I provide an individual approach and complete confidentiality of information.
★Tarot Reading: Relationships, business, marriage, self-development! ! ! ★CONSULTATIONS of any complexity ! ! ! ★
Bioenergetic healing of mind and body for people - both mature and children, and for animals such as cats, dogs, etc.
Latest review
I’m so grateful for the expert’s advice. It really helped me move forward with confidence.  
🧿 Kosmoenerget. A runologist. An empath. I have been successfully practicing for more than 17 years. 🧿View various questions and situations in completely different spheres of life. Diagnostics of the state of energy centers. Scanning for the presence of negativity. 🧿 Cleansing from negativity, activation and harmonization of human energy centers. Installation of energy protection. 🧿 Author's rituals for improving different spheres of life and cleansing from negativity.
Current promotion for services
🧿Viewing any life situations $ 50 ✨Runic becoming for your purpose or Detailed Diagnostics of Your Energy $ 200🧿Detailed Forecast for the year - $ 150🔮The author's ritual of opening roads 400 $
Left: 2 days 17 hours 9 minutes
150 usd. 200 usd.
Latest review
The expert’s advice was incredibly helpful. I feel more confident in my decisions now.  
Hello! My name is Julia. I'm a psychologist. I help people to cope with some difficulties in their lives and to learn how to do it without anybody's help - independently.
Latest review
Incredibly supportive and insightful reading. I’m very happy with the consultation.  
-Tarot reader. _Diagnostics of personal relationships, money channel, work. _The most possible prospects. _Advice on how to fix the situation. -Viewing options for choice in any area of ​​life. -Diagnostics of magical negativity. -Cleaning up the negative.
I work by the method of radiesthesia (with the help of a pendulum), bioenergetic influences are made by means of extrasensory abilities with attraction of energy of the Highest Stars and cosmic Rays.
Latest review
Very clear and compassionate guidance. I now have a better understanding of my path forward.  
I work with the help of clairvoyance, make a full or partial diagnosis of health in an unconventional way, help with treatment. I help to work off negative karma. I help to get rid of damage, negativity. I help to find out the compatibility of a married couple. For the consultation, you need a photo, date of birth and full name (Surname, Name, Patronymic) I help to solve problems in interpersonal relationships. I do not advise for free and for a review.
Latest review
Fantastic reading! The expert’s guidance was clear, accurate, and very empowering.  
❂ Review of the relationships ❂ Reviewing situations of any complexity ❂ Assistance in the selection and decisions ❂ The magic of love: love spell, harmonization, restoration of relationships ❂ Money magic ❂ Diagnostics the spell and other negatives + cleansing + powerful protection ❂ Harmonization of fate ❂ Karma and past lives ❂ The key to the solution
Latest review
The expert was incredibly insightful and provided the clarity I needed. Highly recommended!  
Hi, I am a Psychic. If you have health problems, difficulties in your relationship then I am here to help you. I use alternative medicine to help people. I can tell your compatibility with your partner and help you to understand why you met him/her.
Latest review
Wonderful consultation! The expert was insightful and gave me the advice I needed.  
Clairvoyant. Fortune telling on coffee grounds. INTERPRETATION OF DREAMS. CARD DIVINATION (Gypsy spreads, Tarot). Conspiracies for all occasions. Removal of negative influences (damage, evil eye, curse. . )
Channeling-consultations is a unique practice, where through contactors you can get answers from guardian angels or other higher forces. Here's how it can be useful and what you can expect from such a consultation:
Latest review
Fantastic reading! The expert’s guidance was clear, accurate, and very empowering.  
Tarot reader, clairvoyant. Hereditary witch. Healer. Consultations are paid, msg me in PM. I help to understand a difficult life situation and find the right way to solve the problem. I conduct rituals for love, finances, cleansing from negativity. I make and charge talismans and amulets with energy.
I'm a psychic and clairvoyant. I will help you to understand your problems. I specialize in matters of love, relationships, career, health, financial and many more. I can give you the guidance you need for the future.


Weekly horoscopes
Clairvoyant. Medium. I'll tell you everything as it is.
✔ Clairvoyant viewing of relationships. Consultations and answers to questions. Tips for fixing and improving. Interpretation of situations. Forecasts for the future. Energy cleansing. Correction of the future!


from 100 usd
I am a Witch. I read Tarot cards and runes. Diagnosis and removal of magical effects. Setting up protection. Love magic. Harmonization of relations. And other magical services
Russian speak too. I'm not responsible for the reviews for nothing ! ! ! I also don't breed demagogues. For first-time applicants, pay in advance! I'm not going to give you any bullshit, but I'll tell you everything as I see it - no matter how it sounds, good or bad. I always attach photos of layouts! (for personal consultations). I don't accept rudeness. I can't answer with lightning speed - I have patience . . . I don't take everyone for ritual work and only after diagnosis
It's sometimes difficult to deal with your own life. The tarot cards can help you do that.
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