Regina🔮 (regina)

Tarot Master Regina. How do I know if I'm making the right decision? Is he being honest? What does the future hold for me? It can be overwhelming, but you are not alone. I use Tarot and Madame Lenormand cards to as a tool to communicate with the spi Read more

Consultation field

About me:
Tarot Master
Natural Healer
I felt a strong connection to Tarot and Oracle cards because my grandmother used them to help other people. I purchased my first deck at the age of 15 while giving private and entertaining readings. My grandmother taught me the secret of village magic and natural healing. I continued to develop in this direction. Now I help people all the world with different backgrounds and languages. Tarot and Oracle cards put you in touch with your Higher Self and provide clarity to the path for anyone seeking guidance.
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Tarot layout by the twelve signs of the zodiac circle.

Tarot layout by the twelve signs of the zodiac circle for a period of 1 year.

150 130
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Connection to the money egregor.

Money will flow like a river! connection to the money egregor.

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Tarot layout for relationships.

You met a person or have been dating for a long time. Maybe you are currently having a fight, but you want to know what is the future of this relationship. I can give you a Tarot forecast.

from 100


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Consultation time

Not stated


20 years

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· All 10 reviews
Anja 22.12.24
Regina makes a great job! All her predictions come true and and all the rituals work. She is very conscientious specialist, with whom I have been for 7 years. Highly recommend Regina! 💓🌺🍒
Anja 13.11.24
My dear Regina! I am very grateful that you are with me so many years! Thank you so much for this and you brilliant work! I wish you all the best and happiness! Everything you say is true and the work is honest and have a good result! Anja 🍒🍒🍒
Pascal 12.11.24
I really enjoyed the consultation with advisor Regina. She is a master of her craft.
Sorry, but I see that this man is not who he claims to be.
advisor's answer
She loves you and dreams only of you.
advisor's answer
best answer
Your reconciliation will be this year. You have a magical attraction on the physical plan, despite some conflicting moments in life.
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An advisor Regina🔮 (regina) doesn’t have blogs yet
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5 months 20 days advisors is online
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